Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If you Cant Change the Situation, Change your Attitude! (Thanks Mom!)

The best piece of advice ever give to me : If you can't change the situation, then, change your attitude. This of course was given to me by none other than my mother! Lately, these have been the words I live by, in my current situation, annoyances are frequent, and persistent. It seems to not be enough to just smile and pretend that you are fine with whatever is happening. The situation, whatever it may be, is still getting under your skin, still gnawing at you, but if perhaps you decide to change your mood about the situation instead of just covering up a foul disposition, the entire environment seems to lighten, internally and externally. I'm sure that everyone is aware of the types of situations I am talking about, the one where you have to go and have dinner with people you do not find the least bit appealing or an uncomfortable introduction of any sort. Practice changing your attitude from bad to good, and you will see the world of difference it makes!