Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here's to the End of a DRAMATIC Semester!

First thing is first. The second week of the semester I contracted mono. So, after missing one and a half weeks due to the recuperation time I needed, I headed back to classes. Not even two weeks later I contracted Swine Flu, I think due to my weakened immune system from the mono battle. I missed a couple of classes, but I did drag myself to a couple of tests that I couldn't miss (sorry to anyone I may have coughed on). Next, my car was diagnosed with very "financially challenging" problems that I could not get fixed fast enough, thus my car took a digger causing me to miss yet another day of classes (by the way, it's still not road worthy). On thanksgiving, after work (no family dinner due to work), I found out my Grandpa had passed away, we attended his funeral that next Saturday, no classes were missed but still a very upsetting time. And lastly, I got fired from my Job, because one of my pregnant managers was having an "emotional" time, and couldn't deal with a simple situation properly (An individual higher up than she on the authoritative totem pole later told me that I probably shouldn't have been fired, but she had to stand behind her manager's decision).

so, to you, ultimately lame and challenging semester I say Au revoir.
good bye and good riddance. (And if I get a D in any of my classes, there are no words to explain the new level of livid I will have created.)

Hope all of your semester's treated you well.
Good luck to you all in the future!